What I'm Up to Now

Beginning the Move

My mom is putting up our childhood home for sale. The last evidence I have of a home will soon be gone. Marie Kondo-ing my belongings and reviewing the physical manifestations of my life has been nostalgic, silly, and a bit sad. Got it down to five boxes, a shotgun case, and a case for my bow. I’ve secured a month-to-month lease in Ocean Beach, San Diego where I’ll be moving to in late March/early April. Hoping to find a more permanent home with my brother and his boyfriend soon after. I feel like the theme for this year that’s been calling me is “foundation building”. Looking forward to co-creating more intentional social gatherings in San Diego and building community.

Exploring Creativity

After working so hard on my latest blog post, “The Dark Side of Nomadic Living”, I’ve been inspired to continue to make art. I’ve planted seeds for a few more blog posts that scare me and have been experimenting with poetry. Poetry focuses on the musicality and economy of words, which I enjoy practicing. I’ve been using a random word generator and writing a short poem everyday. It’s been playful and fun so far. Rick Rubin’s book, “The Creative Act: A Way of Being” has been such an inspiration. Learning to stay open, aware, and develop the sensitivity to know what makes me feel alive; especially in subtle ways.

One More Travel Stint

I’m ending my two year digital nomading journey with a two month trip through Europe. I’ll be stopping through Vienna, Warsaw, Budapest, Madrid, Barcelona, Porto, and London for about a week per city. Really excited to experience culture, practice film photography, write at coffee shops, and learn about history and arts of each place.

What I’m Working On

I’m working my way through Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s “Power of Awareness” online course as a pre-requisite to the “Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program” I’m starting in February 2023. It’s a two year program and my original intent when I signed up was to deepen my own practice. As the course gets closer, I’m feeling more excited about the possibility of actually teaching mindfulness meditation. The image of spending my life planting these seeds feels deeply meaningful.

*This update was January 2023